AVN Complex Regional Pain Syndrome John Ellis Water PsA Stomach Symptoms Treatments Uncategorized

John Ellis Water


249834_10100186209736249_5851417_nMy Grandpa is an amazing man. He’s 92 and so full of life, information and energy! If you have a question I guarantee he’ll know the answer. And if you ask him anything political you better have 3 hours because he’ll talk your ear off.

My Grandpa is into natural and alternative medicines – he frequents the chiropractor, if he’s feeling ‘backed up’ will resort to eating canned peaches all day and has many different salts, methods and opinions on how to cure or fix things

In February 2012 he bought me a few bottles of John Ellis Water and said that he and I were going to try out the product and see if it works. If it worked he was thinking about buying a $2,000 machine to make his own.

image005Crazy sounding? Yes. But will I try anything? Yup!

So you take 8 ounces of the John Ellis Water and mix it with a gallon of tap water. You must mix it in a glass or metal container – NO PLASTIC! The water is supposed to kill pathogens and apparently cures any illness. The water is so pure it’s supposed to be just like the water back when Adam and Eve lived on the Earth.

I can’t really say if it’s helped me or not. My Grandpa swears his toes have gotten straighter and he’s able to move them better since he’s started on the water. I’ve been doing so many different things that I can’t pin point what did what — but hey! It’s water. We all need to drink it! So if I’m drinking it it may as well be water that can cure any illness 🙂

If you’d like to get your own free trial you can check it out here!

Have you tried John Ellis Water? What has been your experience??

Wishing You A Pain Free Day!
